New Tax Break Approved For Who?
This is great!
In a surprising turn of events, the Georgia Department of Revenue has just announced that Georgians can now claim embryos that have a “detectable human heartbeat” as their dependents on taxes.
According to The Hill, Georgia leaders explained that an embryo “with a detectable heartbeat” is now officially added to their state’s definition of the dependent and will become effective on July 20th. This is the same date as when the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that all abortions in the state will get banned once a heartbeat is detected.
This monumental decision by Georgia comes not long after the Supreme Court of the United States decided to overturn Roe.
Georgia’s new tax rule will allow taxpayers to claim an exemption in the amount of $3,000 per embryo. The exemption can be claimed if a taxpayer has “an unborn child (or children)” with a detectable heartbeat.
“Similar to any other deduction claimed on an income tax return, relevant medical records or other supporting documentation shall be provided to support the dependent deduction claimed if requested by the Department,” the state of Georgia said in an official statement.