10 Best And Worst Health Care States
Did you know that your quality of health care may be determined by where you live?
New data which was collected by the Wallethub has found the 10 best and worst states of health care for Americans in 2022.
According to Fox, Wallethub used 42 metrics to find the best and worst states and learned that Rhode Island was the best overall state for healthcare in America.
10 Best States
1. Rhode Island
2. Massachusetts
3. Hawaii
4. Minnesota
5. Maryland
6. Vermont
7. Colorado
8. Connecticut
9. Maine
10. Iowa
10 Worst States
42. Tennessee
43. Georgia
44. Texas
45. South Carolina
46. West Virginia
47. Arkansas
48. Oklahoma
49. Louisiana
50. Alabama
51. Mississippi
The reason this list reached 51 was because Wallethub accounted for Washington D.C. individually.