Is This Industry Headed For Permanent Shutdown?
Here’s what happened…
The Centers for Disease Control has just issued a warning to tourists and is telling people to stay away from cruise ships due to the highly easy transmission of the coronavirus variant omircon.
According to CNBC, the CDC further explained that the risk of contracting COVID-19 on cruise ships is extremely high regardless of your vaccination status.
Currently there are investigations under place by the CDC to better understand the situation after dozens of cruise ships had covid outbreaks.
There have been over 5,000 cases of coronavirus documented from cruise ships from Dec. 15 – 29.
This new warning from the CDC will likely once again kill the cruise ship industry and could be the final nail in the coffin if they cannot prevent outbreaks from happening in while passengers are on board.
Currently, there is a surge of cases spreading across America and the Biden Administration doesn’t have very many solutions to stop the spread.