Gas Tax Hike For Americans
What are they thinking?
In a shocking turn of events, it appears that California will allow the annual summer increase in the state’s gasoline tax.
The states gasoline tax is increase every year however it is extremely controversial of California to not cut that tax this year since the cost of gasoline is currently at an all time high especially in the state of California.
According to Fox Business, California Governor Gavin Newsom has expressed numerous times his sympathy for the people of California who are paying an arm and a leg for gas. However, it appears Newsom has remained relatively quite on the decision to stop the latest tax increase.
Furthermore, it is understood that it is already too late to stop the gas tax from going into affect because California lawmakers would have to pass legislation by this Sunday which is extremely unlikely to happen.
In response to the upcoming tax which will make California gas prices even higher, Newsom’s spokesperson said, “It is clear now that the Legislature will not act in time to provide that immediate, limited relief, but we look forward to working with lawmakers on the Governor’s proposal for direct payments to Californians wrestling with rising prices.”