Social Security Facts You May Not Know
Did you know about all these?
Most Americans feel know already know everything there is to know about Social Security benefits and some may be right.
Recently however, the Nationwide Retirement Institute learned that many Americans didn’t know some of the mast basic functions of Social Security and we want to make sure you aren’t one of those people.
Here are some quick facts from Go Banking Rates that you should know about Social Security:
- When it comes to eligibility age, 39% of Americans who were asked did not know the age to receive full benefits. The full retirement age is 66.
- A whopping 51% of people of still had not received Social Security, did not know how much they were actually going to get when their benefits kicked in.
- 30% did not know that their Social Security may have offered benefits to their children and spouse.
- 37% of Americans did not know the Social Security benefits are NOT protected against inflation.
- 45% assumed that if they took benefits early, they would receive their full retirement when they reached their full retirement age. This is not true.
Did you know all of these important Social Security facts? Share your thoughts in the comments below…
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