Here’s How Biden Is Ruining Christmas
This is madness!
From the moment President Biden stepped into the oval office inflation has soaring like a rocket. Now, holiday shoppers are hitting the grocery stores and are completely dumbfounded by just how expensive things have gotten.
According to Fox News, shoppers were floored by just how expensive things have gotten. One shopper from Costco stated, “Grocery, totally ridiculous. It’s no help out here for us … You’re dealing with enough things stressing us out, then you have to come to the grocery store and spend a lot more than what we’re used to spending.”
Another shopper from Wegmans stated,”Prices are ridiculous.”
What’s even worse is that a restaurant owner is also feeling the pains of inflation. The owner simply stated “It’s crazy … we’re suffering,” and rightfully so. Millions of Americans are seeing even the cost of restaurant menu items go up as well.
Sadly, with much of America feeling the pain of high prices. President Biden has ordered far-left Democrats such as Senator Elizabeth Warren to muddy the waters and blame major grocery store chains for taking advantage of the pandemic and are raising prices for more profit.
Democrats refuse to accept any blame or responsibility for inflation and it’s making matters even worse.