Electric Vehicle Owners Make Shocking Discovery
This is unbelievable!
The owner of a 2012 Chevrolet Volt electric vehicle almost passed out when he learned that cost of replacing his electric car’s battery was almost $30,000 which is FAR more expensive than his car’s actual worth.
According to Breitbart, it was learned from a photo of the vehicle’s repair estimate that said a new battery for the Chevy Volt would cost $26,853.99. Additional costs then brought the grand total of the bill to $29,842.15!
Bet that Chevy Volt sounded like a good idea at first. pic.twitter.com/q57U0gZowU
— Rob O’Donnell (@odonnell_r) August 25, 2022
The Chevy Volt is a hybrid vehicles which was one of the first vehicles that Chevrolet began making early on. Currently the Volt has been replaced by the new Chevrolet Bolt. A new Chevy Bolt starts at $25,000 according to their website.
Today, a 2012 Chevrolet Volt ranges anywhere from $7,999 to $17,590.
After the image of the bill went viral, the dealership explained, “This is an estimate for a 12 year old vehicle out of warranty and for a battery that is extremely hard to get, due to the older technology of the 12 year old vehicle.”
However, this raises the question of how long will it take for the current electric vehicles to become “older technology” and will car makers force us to buy a brand new electric vehicle when the older ones become technologically out-dated?