America’s Workers Replaced
It was only a matter of time.
As supply chain issues continue to affect the United States and truck driver positions remain unfilled, one software company is trying to find a solution by developing self-driving semi-trucks.
According to Fox, Embark Trucks is the company working to create self-driving semi-trucks and they have just successfully passed their initial winter conditions tests and secured a partnership with carrier company U.S. Xpress.
Embark co-founder and CEO Alex Rodrigues explained to Fox, “The reason that this is so exciting is that we can partner with drivers and allow a single driver to operate in the city, and then you have a driverless truck that goes between those cities and that dramatically improves efficiency.”
“You can see a driver of this truck with more than double the utilization of what you can get under the federal hours of service with a person behind the wheel,” he added.
“Embark has a unique alternative to maps that we call ‘vision map fusion,'” Rodrigues later added, “and it worked very well in the vast majority of the winter conditions that you would expect in the northern United States.”